About Us
Loss Prevention Technologies
A top of the line gaming security company, one of the few focused
on the global dilemma of technologically-based slot security issues.
Today's greatest threat to casinos is technology, perpetuated by high
level, sophisticated hackers.
Loss Prevention Technologies
We stop the cheats dead in their tracks, using inexpensive devices and protocols installed in your existing machines. We have our own patented
security system.
Loss Prevention Technologies
We show you how you need only replace your slots when needed for entertaining upgrades, never for security purposes, saving you thousands
of dollars per year.
Loss Prevention Technologies
We offer the most progressive consulting of any other slot experts. The future of gaming is rapidly moving forward, let us help you keep up, with
our off the shelf, ready to go security solutions. We also customize a solution to fit your exact
Loss Prevention Technologies
We also offer a wide range of referral services in other areas outside the realm of slot machines whenever needed.